sábado, 18 de enero de 2014

Acerca de los valores. Igualdad

Because of the characteristics of modern society (migration, globalization, integration), it is difficult to find truly pure races today. We are all the product of a mixture of White, Black, and Indian blood. As a  matter of fact, if you look around you right now, you will probably see a variety of skin color, eye colors, and hair around you. Look at you classmates! They are tall, short, fat, plump, thin, . . . Some have straight hair, others, curly hair, and there some, I am sure, who have wavy hair. Observe that in your class there may be persons with black eyes, brown eyes, green ayes, etc.

The thing is: even though we are different, we are the same! We all belong to the same family: HUMANS. Therefore, we all have the same basic rights: right to an identity, right to an education, right to a family, right to a healthy life. Racism, for that matter, should not exist. If we all make an effort to accept and respect others- no matter their sex, nationality, race, skin color, religion, or social condition- this world would be a better, safer place for all.


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